Online Crisis Management

We Repair, Control and Protect damaged Online Reputations

If you are dealing with a crisis, don’t ignore it – which you probably don’t since you are reading this. An Online Reputation can take years to build but just days to destroy, so you need to act immediately but properly. We have the proper resources and experience to deal with your crisis. We monitor your reputation to prevent crises or act on them in a way that keeps the outside world oblivious to limit the negative impact.

If you currently have a crisis and your reputation is damaged, we will take control and repair your brand’s reputation through re-estabilishing trust and credibility.

unspecifiedReputation Management

Crisis management and reputation management are both needed when it comes to someone’s communication and marketing strategies. Reputation management is focused on knowing the conversations about your company and influencing online content to generate positive results that work in your favour. A business’ reputation influences others on how to engage with your business. When your business is being harmed by defamation and negative reports, reputation management and repair is put in motion along with crisis management. In most occasions, a crisis can be prevented through proactive communication to internal as well as external parties. Proper preparation minimises the impact that a crisis may have on your reputation.

Active Monitoring

We monitor your online reputation, track what people are saying about you and your brand. This allows us to respond promptly, and effectively, if an online crisis arises, using the proper methods like social media, press releases and more.

Key Message Preparation

Even more than offline crises, online crisis management requires you to be first, be correct, be trustworthy and be compassionate. Don’t let the press tell your story.

We create customised messages for your different types of stakeholders, such as investors, employees, customers, the press, and the general public. We update all potential spokespersons on the latest crisis information and provide them with the key message to ensure all outgoing communication has the same message.

Crisis Litigation Consulting


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